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Let's create a world where all cities, cars and buildings run on 100% clean, renewable energy.

How to Use a Budget to Reach Your Goals

A budget often comes off as a restricting device that nobody likes to use, however, I believe it can actually be liberating as well. The purpose of a budget is to help you reach not just your financial goals but also all your other lifestyle and growth goals. So what are the critical steps in developing Read more about How to Use a Budget to Reach Your Goals[…]

Using Habits to Reach Your Goals – Part II

Implementing successful habits is really one of the most critical parts of changing your life. It’s because once something is a habit, it becomes a fundamental part of your life and daily routine. If that habit is good, it’ll help you each day without little effort. If that habit is bad, well it will restrict Read more about Using Habits to Reach Your Goals – Part II[…]

Using Habits to Reach Your Goals – Part I

Reaching your goals in life can be tough. However, there is an easy way to make reaching them much more obtainable. It’s through the use of adding successful habits and removing unsuccessful ones. First we need to understand what makes up a habit. The Cue (the trigger that initiates the behavior) The Routine (the behavior Read more about Using Habits to Reach Your Goals – Part I[…]

Using Monthly Reports to Measure Your Progress and Reach Your Goals

You can’t change what you don’t measure – while this may not always hold true for some people, it does shed light on your progress and does lead to increased levels of performance. The goal here, is to measure the key variables that you are looking to grow. Then track those key variables throughout the Read more about Using Monthly Reports to Measure Your Progress and Reach Your Goals[…]

Implementing a Zero Waste Lifestyle

For the past couple years I’ve been recording my personal carbon emissions on a monthly level. I do this so I can visualize my personal carbon impact and see how it changes during the year. I also record it so I can see how my actions affect it. As of now, here’s a quick summary Read more about Implementing a Zero Waste Lifestyle[…]

Your Time is More Valuable Than Money

I’m glad it didn’t take me too long to learn that time is more valuable than money. Unfortunately, I see many people go through their lives without this realization. I hope to teach some of what I learned to you. Time is more valuable than money because it is a non-renewable resource. Unlike money, once Read more about Your Time is More Valuable Than Money[…]

Creating a Successful Morning Routine

I used to hate waking up early in the mornings. Now, I find that when I wake a few hours before starting work, I can focus my self-improvement and high-level weekly focus tasks. I also find when I have a successful morning, I’ll have a successful rest of my day. The first part is the toughest Read more about Creating a Successful Morning Routine[…]

The 4 Must Have Systems for Creating an Externalized Mind

Today’s most elite players have elevated their life’s systems to create a higher performance life. They know that computers are much more powerful than their minds when it comes to remembering tasks and notes. They also know that their mind is much better used for creative thinking and strategic problem-solving. The goal of creating an Read more about The 4 Must Have Systems for Creating an Externalized Mind[…]

20 Self-Improvement Books That Changed My Life

Reading is one of the single most important ways to improve your life. Below are 20 of the books that had a profound impact on mine. These books are not listed in any particular order because I really do believe you should attempt at reading most of them. 1. The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod Read more about 20 Self-Improvement Books That Changed My Life[…]

How to Read 60+ Books a Year

I cannot understate the importance of continuous education. I’m a huge believer in reading books or listening to podcasts daily. As I discussed in previous posts, you are your most important asset. This extends to your personal health and your knowledge. An investment in a good book can return threefold or more and often can be Read more about How to Read 60+ Books a Year[…]