Real Estate Investor, Developer located in Western Massachusetts.
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Bill Womeldorf
Bill Womeldorf is a real estate investor with a keen eye on architectural design, and sustainable building science practices. He owns a real estate development company based in Springfield, MA focusing primarily on residential and mixed use rental properties.
He received his degrees in Architecture and Building Science from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and his focus expertise ranges from architectural building technology, renewable energy to real estate finance and management. Bill is also a licensed contractor and certified building analyst in the state of Massachusetts.
Bill is passionate about sustainability and creating a world where all buildings, cities and cars run off of 100% clean and renewable energy. He volunteers on various non-profit boards such as the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA), USGBC Mass Chapter Residential Committee (RGBC) and Western Massachusetts Real Estate Investors Association (WMEIA). He has spoken on wide range of topics from energy efficiency policy, building science and real estate development.
A proud workaholic, Bill admits he does find time to read often and travel to new places. He loves hiking in national parks around the world and visiting new cities. Ultimately, Bill is an engineering geek that loves efficiency - both in the way we use energy as a society, and in our own lives.
You can read more about Bill on his blog, The Art of Self Improvement, and by following him on his various social networking outlets.